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من ذاكرة التاريخ

احجز مساحتك الاعلانية

by \ ashraf elmohands
Amir sea Jalal your Alooba Royal yacht captain Yawar and King Farouk.
Alamiralay (Dean) Jalal Alooba born June 3, 1910 in the village in the province of Sohag in Upper Egypt supervisor, and his father, Mohammed Ali Pasha Alooba senior member of the Wafd Party, which was headed at the time, Saad Zaghloul In 1925 Accolade Alpashoah then held the position of Minister of Awqaf .
In 1922, Jalal Alooba sent on a study mission to the Egyptian government to England and the number of Mission students 10 individuals with the aim of studying marine science and the arts for appointment after that as officers of the Egyptian navy was Omar Jalal Alooba not exceeding 12 years as stipulated that the Egyptian government should not be less student age for 12 years and not more than 14 years, and despite opposition from his father to travel due to his young age, but he persuaded his father.
After passing Jalal Alooba the study period, and the mission is 4 years it was attached to the mission of training students on the commercial fleet for the purpose of acquiring the planned naval service.
And the end of the practical training period, which lasted about three years after the Egyptian government decided to inflict Mission students in one of the military maritime colleges to be training naval weapons that are then give students the rank of second lieutenant in addition to marine certificates awarded to officers merchant fleet completed Jalal Alooba his studies abroad, as well as the training period and then he returned to Egypt to begin his career Maritime and is Maikbih did not know his fate.
After returning to Egypt, he was appointed an officer of the ship Nafts and is a subsidiary of the interest of the Coast Guard, but the work on that vessel was not satisfactory to Jalal Alooba and due to the fact that the ship was from his point of view is not suitable to work in the sea and had a desire to work on large ships and modern, which can work through them to apply what studied abroad during the mission school.
He later received a degree from the Coast Guard and work on one of the world merchant ships since he obtained a certificate from abroad to allow him to work on merchant ships, and that was not satisfactory to his ambition and cut off his vacation and returned again for military service.
Then go to the benefit of the Coast Guard and was the first task is to fight against drug trafficking into the country, then later joined a course in preparation for his promotion to the rank coined a pilot and then was appointed then as an officer first any second commander of the helicopter, Prince Farouk and was the primary mission is also the protect the Egyptian coast of drug trafficking.
One day, sitting in the ship saw the royal yacht unguarded, and his attention is that the yacht unguarded pull five yachts and this Majolh wonder about the efficiency of the yacht captain and his officers who resort to dragging five locomotives instead of using self-yacht machines.
Send Jalal message to the Chief Secretary of the Royal Palace, which Ahmed Pasha Hassanein told him what he saw, and several days later he surprised his candidacy within three officers to work on the yacht Royal unguarded and then came the letter states are moving in the interests of the Coast Guard to the Royal Yacht, which used to belong to a large Aleaoran property Serail within the Royal Guard and was then promoted to the rank may Alsag (leading).
The first meeting between the King Farouk and Jalal Alooba happened when he was an officer alternate on the yacht Royal “Qassed good” in Cairo and he alone freely Nile was stationed in Marsa Cairo On that day stood a black car in front of the marina and got out King Farouk unique and Queen (and linked the unique Queen a friendship close of tiny monogamous Jalal Alooba) This was the first time that sees the King personally, but he had not spoken with him.
During World War II it was unguarded in Ismailia protect them from launchers Italian bombs and German port of Alexandria, but after the war, she returned unguarded to Alexandria again, and during that period was Jalal Alooba reciprocating rotation between the Nile and unguarded, and this was a chance to Alooba units to see the King, where he was often frequented the King on probation, and especially in the summer, it has been appointed to the Alooba second commander of the royal yacht unguarded.
And Cyprus is a journey is the beginning of rapprochement real between King Farouk and between Jalal Alooba lost orders processed yacht royal pride seas were issued for a trip the ownership of the island of Cyprus and Jalal Alooba he was responsible for the preparation and the yacht is equipped with all preparations that trip and was King Farouk visiting yacht lot in that period as it was brought to his questions and inquiries about the yacht and its equipment and Jalal Alooba was always answered him with answers adequately reflect the full knowledge of the man and his knowledge of his work, making him the subject of time with the King’s trust.
Repeated meetings between King Farouk and Jalal Alooba in that period and often McCann King invites him to swim with him from the yacht until the white area of Ramleh, a place at the confluence of the barrier Alexandria western port of Ras El-Teen area next to the lighthouse.
Numerous roles carried out by Jalal Alooba and he had a significant role in the Suez Canal Authority, as he was behind the supply of body officers Egyptians for training on counseling work it was time all tour insider reveals foreigners and fear of the actions of France and England to navigation in the Suez Canal Jalal Alooba suggested that join channel some of the Royal yacht officers and pilots of the port of Alexandria to work as guides was King Farouk welcomed the idea and agreed to by and asked him to planning, implementation and already took Jalal Alooba study and the planning and execution of this work, where he became after that these guides are the first nucleus of Egyptian guides Suez Canal Authority has also carried thereafter train Navy officers who volunteered to work the Authority after the nationalization in 1956.
And the July 23 Movement in 1952 and King Farouk signed a document to waive the throne of Egypt in favor of his son Prince Ahmed Fouad, identified six o’clock on July 26 as the date for the departure of King Farouk out of the country on a yacht (unguarded) has asked King piss

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