أخبار عاجلةأخبار مصرأهم الاخباراسليدرالسياحة و الأثارحصرى لــ"العالم الحر"زيارة اليومعالم الفن

Usher In Egypt

By: Eslam  Hamdy El-SAIED

USHER is a singer and an American actor. Known for the RNB style since the early 1990s. With the advent of the new millennium, he became one of the most famous singers of this genre. After the success of his first album, he released My Way, his most famous songs are Make You Wanna, Nice and Slow

Usher Raymond IV : now in egypt since 12 hours  he visited the pyramids then he moves to second destination siwa oasis , finally after long time egypt welcomed this famous singer .

رئيس التحرير

المشرف العام على موقع العالم الحر
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