اخبار عربية وعالميةاسليدر

Save Iraq

احجز مساحتك الاعلانية

Iraq is going through a very difficult time because of the multi-party and the oppression of Iraqis by party militias and works to kill unarmed civilians and suppress peaceful demonstrations and Iraq is going through a very difficult period. We ask the United Nations, as a civil and media activist and an Iraqi citizen, to intervene and save Iraq and eliminate these parties that have destroyed Iraq since 2003 until now and did not work on the killing, sabotage, destruction and subordination of Iran. The Iraqis have not endured anymore and he has retreated and wants to recover his rights from those who have robbed him of the right. He has demanded only the most basic of his rights are (I want a homeland). Listen and look at Iraq for only a minute and you will see hope and grief and wounds and lost loved ones. Doctor records the names of the martyrs and arriving and find one of his brother. ). At a loss. A young man was martyred and did not know who he was and his mother call and the large crowd around him confused what to say to that woman bereaved her son. I swear to the Lord of the servants, the eye of heaven has shed the misfortunes of Iraq and declared mourning there. In the name of the wounded Iraqi people, we call on the United Nations to find solutions and rid Iraq and save young people before its elimination. Please intervene and immediately resolve this crisis and stop the tears of the bereaved women on their children, husbands and loved ones. Jaafar Abu Masoumeh: Iraqi writer…..



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