George Maher
Dr. Khaled El-Enany Minister of Antiquities announced that the Egyptian archaeological mission working at Al-Asasef on the west Bank of Luxor succeeded to uncover a tomb that belongs to Thaw-Irkhet-If as well as the original entrance of a previously uncovered tomb number TT28 Dr.
El-Enany said that the discovery has show the light after 5 months of excavation works carried out by the Egyptian mission led by Dr. Mostafa Waziri General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities.
Dr. waziri explains that after removing about 300 m of rubble, the mission succeeded to discover the tomb of Thaw-Irkhet-if,who was the oversee of the mummification shrine in Mut temple.
The tomb was originally dated to the Middle Kingdom but was reused during the late period. The walls of the tomb is decorated with colored scenes depicting the owner with members of his family. His wife is shown on the walls and she was the singer of Amun Re. Two sarcophagi from the late period was found inside the tomb, which El-Enany describes as magnificent.
They are anthropoid sarcophagi carved in black wood with beautiful eyes inlaid with gilded sheets One of the sarcophagus belongs to Padiest and the other one belong to his daughter women called Nes mut ankh who who was the singer of the God Amun and its most probably the daughter of ba de est Two wooden statues which one of them probably belongs to deceased a collection of 1000 ushabti carved in wood, faience, and clay were found as well as 5 colored maskes were also found.
Dr. Waziri mentioned that the entrance of tomb TT28 wS locates and belongs to a man who named Huri.
After the announcement today of the newly discovered tomb of Mut Temple’s overseer of mummification, minister of antiquities Khaled El- Enany and all the attendees witnessed the opening of an intact sarcophagus discovered earlier this month by a French mission.
The sarcophagus revealed a mummy of a woman called Thuya. French Professor Frederic Colin head of the French mission in Tomb TT33 where the sarcophagus was found said that the sarcophagus dates to the 18th dynasty and inside it was found a very well preserved mummy wrapped in linen. Examination and studies will continue to know more about such mummies