اسليدرالأدب و الأدباء

اسلام الهاشمي الحامدي , قصة قصيرة , ملعون ابوها عيشة .

ب / اسلام الهاشمي الحامدي .

تخرج بطلنا من الثانوي العام بتقدير عالي جدا , ولكن هو يريد كليه التجاره بسبب كثره فورص عملها , دخل الكليه بالفعل وامضي اربع اعوام بعد ان كان يعمل سائق دليفري مع الدراسه كي يستطيع ان يكفي نفسه بالانفاق علي امه المريضه و علي نفسه بعد موت والده الذي كان يعمل موظف حكومي في الشهر العقاري ,لم يعد معاش والده كافي لمواجهت اسعار الحياه التي ترتفع يوم وراه يوم , حتي ان ارتبطبت بفتاه في الجامعه واحبها كثيرا وهي ايضا احبته حبا جما ,اخبرها بانه سوف يقوم بخطبتها من والدها بعد ان يتخرج من الكليه و يعمل بشهادته في احدي الوظائف الحكوميه المحترمه ,تخرج بتقدير جيد جدا , وشرع في البحث عن عمل بشهادته الجامعيه حتي ان اغلقت جميع الاماكن الباب في وجهه , وما زاد الطين باله انه لا يمتلك ثم دبله واحده فقط ذهبيه تكفي لخطبه محبوبته , فتركته بسبب الحاح اهلها و تزوجت من شاب يملك شقه تمليك و وظيفه محترمه , كبرت مصاريف البيت و كبرت مشاكل امه الصحيه و كبر معها عمره الذي ضاع منه دون ان يدري , وما زال يعمل في مجال الدليفري و هو يحمل شهاده جامعيه ,ياس من الحياه و دخل في حاله اكتائاب اوصلته للانتحار , حاول الانتحار اكثر من مره وفشل , مره القي بنفسه امام القطار ولكنه نزل علي خط القضيب الاخر و مر القطار بسلام , ومره اخري قطع شرينه ولكن تم انقاظه و اخيرا , اغلق باب غرفته و صنع من الحبل مشنقه وقام بتعليق رقبته فيها , فما ذنبه في الحياه لقد فعل كل المطلوب منه ذاكر واجتهد وتخرج و في النهايا يعمل عمل يستطيع اي شخص غير متعلم ان يعمله , لا يستطيع الزواج في ظل ارتفاع الاسعار الجنوني , ليس له الحق في العمل وليس له الحق في الحب او الزواج ! فما قيمة تلك الحياة البائسه , فالانتحار هو الحل .

He graduated from the secondary school with a very high grade, but he wanted a college of commerce because of the many work. He entered the college already and spent four years after the driver was working with the study so that he could spend himself enough on his sick mother and himself after the death of his father who was A government employee works in the real estate month. His father’s pension is no longer sufficient to meet the price of life that goes up on a day and a day. Even if she is engaged to a girl in the university and loves her a lot, he also loves him very much. He tells her that he will give her a speech from her father after graduating from college and testifying. In one of the respected government jobs, graduated with a very good grade, He started to look for work by university certificate, so that all the places closed the door in his face, and what added to the clay is that he does not have a single golden diploma then enough for his beloved, so he left him because of the pressure of her family and married a young man who owns a flat ownership and a respectable job. And grew up his mother’s health problems and grew up with him his age, which he lost without knowing, and still working in the field of delivery and carries a certificate of university, Yas of life and entered in the case of Aktaab Suicide Suicide, tried suicide more than once and failed, once threw himself in front of The train went down the line of the other penis and the train passed safely, and again the man cut off his evil but was shot Finally, he closed the door of his room and made of the rope gallows and hung his neck in it, what his sin in life he did all that is required of him remember and diligent and graduated and in the end works a work that any person can not work, can not marry in the high prices crazy , Has no right to work and has no right to love or marry! What is the value of that miserable life? Suicide is the solution.

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